The most common thought for those who think about kitesurfing is the strength and fitness aspect. Most people imagine that kiting is incredibly fit and healthy. Unfortunately or luckily, that's not true, practically everyone can learn kiting!
There's really everything from ultra-fit hardcore athletes to weekend kiters who practice the sport while having fun on the water. This is the beauty of kitesurfing, it is possible for everyone to learn it. Kiting can be as demanding as you choose. Someone can test their limits and go to extremes or just just drive around comfortably - each one of them can choose for themselves at will.
All in all, kitesurfing is a natural exercise, but with today's technology and equipment, it requires less of the body than the beginning of the sport. Essentially kiting requires the most stability in the middle of the body, upper body strength and aerobic fitness. These three areas are heavily used when kiting, so if you are thinking of training a part of your body specifically for kiting, consider these three areas.
Your upper body strength helps you carry your gear in and out of the water, as well as efficiently controlling your kite. Power in the center of the body minimizes the likelihood of injury and maintains ride comfort during long sessions. The only way to endure long sessions is to have a healthy heart and good lungs, especially if you're trying to test your limits with tricks or kiting in stormy conditions.
An active warm-up before and a deep stretch after your kite sessions help maintain your aerobic fitness and prepare the body for regular sessions on and off the water!
What preconceptions or expectations did you have before you started kitesurfing? Please comment below.

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