The IKO has discovered that running ITCs in a single language provides the most effective learning environment. Running ITCs in multiple languages has been the cause of many misunderstandings for our students. As it is now, the five-day duration of the course is not much time to cover all the topics but it creates a problem when time is lost with translation.
IKO is committed to eliminating student misunderstandings and providing the highest quality in kiteboard training. In order to keep this commitment, we must insist on a learning environment that is of top quality and ensures student satisfaction.
To better serve our Candidates, ITCs can now only be run in one language. Starting immediately, when you request an ITC online, you will only be able to select the option to run the course in one language. However, to help the ITC candidates understand the content better, the Instructor Manual may be given in more than one language.
We know that this will improve the quality of our training programs and we ask for your cooperation with implementation. Thank you.
Happy & Safe Kiting,
The IKO Staff
“Training the World to Kiteboard with Confidence”

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