How IKO Instructors Can Convert Their Certification with OPES (Organization for Sports Education) Recognized by CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee).
Guide to Converting IKO Kitesurf Instructor Certification to OPES/CONI Certification - Sailing Instructor, discipline DV005 - Kiteboarding, according to the requirements of the National Sports Qualifications System SNaQ.
IKO assists you in navigating the steps to obtain the dual certification IKO - OPES/CONI and pursue the profession of Kitesurf Instructor in Italy.
Why obtain the dual certification IKO - OPES/CONI?
The conversion opportunity is open to all certified kitesurf instructors, whether Italian or foreign, working in Italy. Its aim is to improve the quality of sports education and ensure greater professionalism and economic fairness in the world of kitesurfing.
This dual certification ensures that kitesurf instructors have the necessary skills to teach effectively and safely, offering the opportunity for regular employment within sports associations and/or kitesurf schools, and ensuring stable income and associated labor rights.
CONI, OPES, and IKO together in Promoting Sports in Italy.
The Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) is the national body responsible for the promotion and organization of Olympic sports.
OPES (Organization for Sports Education) is a sports promotion organization recognized by CONI. It collaborates closely with CONI and international organizations like IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) to promote physical education and sports in Italy.
OPES is committed to converting IKO Kitesurf Instructor certifications to OPES/CONI certifications and recognizes the teaching provided by IKO as of a high standard. Thus, OPES enables the conversion of instructors' diplomas issued by IKO Examiners into OPES/CONI diplomas.
This collaboration is essential to ensure a professional and safe sports system for all.
Towards a Safer and Professional Sports Future: Optimism and Collaboration between IKO - OPES/CONI.
The goal is to improve the quality and safety of sports education in Italy, building a more solid and professional future for the kitesurfing world in Italy, in compliance with local regulations.
Thanks to the collaboration between IKO and OPES/CONI, the procedure for converting the IKO certification to OPES/CONI certification is straightforward, affordable, and can be carried out by all IKO Instructors wishing to work in kitesurf schools in Italy that are part of the same association.
Do you want to become an IKO Instructor and work in Italy? Here's how your IKO certification will be converted into an OPES/CONI certification.
The procedure to obtain the dual certification is as follows:
- At the end of the IKO course ITC (Instructor Training Course), the organizer will compile a form with the data of instructor candidates who have successfully completed the course, qualifying as IKO Kitesurf Instructors Level 1.
- The form will be countersigned by the course's responsible IKO Examiner.
- The form will be sent to the OPES central membership office, which will issue the certifications at a cost of €25.00 per diploma.
- All candidates who successfully complete the IKO Instructor Course - ITC L1 will receive the National Diploma as Kitesurf Instructor OPES/CONI - Sailing Instructor, discipline DV005 - Kiteboarding, according to the requirements of the National Sports Qualifications System SNaQ.
If you are already an IKO Instructor, Italian or foreign, and want to work in Italy, here are the steps to follow.
For already certified IKO Instructors who want to work in Italy, it is possible to directly request the conversion of their IKO Kitesurf Instructor certification from OPES/CONI, obtaining the National Diploma as Kitesurf Instructor OPES/CONI - Sailing Instructor, discipline DV005 - Kiteboarding, according to the requirements of the National Sports Qualifications System SNaQ.
The procedure requires filling out a form, paying an annual fee to OPES/CONI, and submitting the necessary documentation. Once the conversion is completed, the OPES/CONI certification will be issued.
The steps to follow are:
- Fill out the conversion application form downloadable from the IKO/OPES website. You can find the request form here: OPES/IKO Conversion.
- Attach your IKO Kitesurf Instructor certification to the email.
- Attach the receipt of payment of the annual fee paid to OPES/CONI, currently €15.00: payment to be made by bank transfer to O.P.E.S. - Organizzazione Per l’Educazione allo Sport - Via Salvatore Quasimodo, 129 – 00144 ROME
- Cod IBAN: IT11L0538703208000001088781 – BIC/SWIFT: BPMOIT22XXX
Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna - Specify in the reason for payment: "conversion IKO/OPES name and surname".
- Cod IBAN: IT11L0538703208000001088781 – BIC/SWIFT: BPMOIT22XXX
- Send all documentation to the following email address: - OPES/CONI will issue the new certification.
It should be noted that the OPES/CONI equivalence applies only to IKO Instructors with a valid certificate. If the IKO certificate has expired, the OPES/CONI equivalence will not be valid, but you can attend an IRC course (Kitesurf Instructor Reinstatement Course) for reinstatement.
The agreement, in force since 2020, has an annual duration and is tacitly renewed in the following years.
The national contact person for OPES/CONI for maintaining relations with IKO is Andrea Frateiacci.
Some Italian IKO Centers offer certification conversion to their instructor candidates.
To facilitate instructor candidates, some Italian IKO Centers offer to cover the cost of converting the IKO - OPES/CONI certification for their candidates, including it in the cost of the professional ITC course (Instructor Training Course).
To ensure that the certification conversion is included, contact directly the IKO Center where you will attend the professional instructor course (ITC - Instructor Training Course).
Joint Commitment.
This collaboration represents a significant step towards a safer, more professional, and fairer sports future for kitesurfing in Italy.
This joint commitment to excellence in sports education reflects the determination to promote high standards in the sector, ensuring a professional and safe environment for all kitesurfing enthusiasts in Italy.